Lakeshore Villages Master Community Development District (referred to hereafter as the “CDD ”) is a special purpose form of local government described as a special taxing district” and as such is “public”. A Community Development District may own and operate roadways, water and wastewater systems, stormwater drainage system, landscape and hardscape features, and common areas. In addition, they may own and operate the club facilities, swimming pools and athletic courts, etc. among other public improvements. In the case of Lakeshore, the amenities are owned and managed by the Lakeshore Villages Property Owners' Assocation which is a separate entity found within the boundaries of the CDD. See FAQ page for more information.
The CDD's Vision, Mission Statement and priorities are as follows:
- Vision: To provide the best, quality, community development services to the Community of Lakeshore VIllages and in the State.
- Mission: To serve the Community of Lakshore Villages by providing timely and cost effective maintenance of the various infrastrucure improvements within the CDD's boundaries.
- Priorities: The CDD's priorities are: finding ways to increase communication, transparency and safety/security.
The Board of the CDD has authorized a Community Steering Focus Group. You will find the link for interested parties on the link section of the website and the home page under "WHATS NEW".
As mentioned at the Owners Meeting on March 6, 2024. Parking Restriction exceptions may be issued by the Chairman and or the Vice Chairman. These exceptions are meant to accomodate short term guests and other special cirumstances. In order to recevie an exception you will need to fill out the form available at the link provided. Please allow for sufficient time for the exception request to be revewied. Here is the link for the form: https://forms.office.com/r/HjRLiJeiZg.
CDD Board of Supervisors Meeting 3/18/2025
The Board of Supervisots will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 8:00am. This meeing was originally going to be held at 6:00pm but was moved to 8:00am due to quorum concerns. There must be 3 Board Members present in person at the meeiting to meet quorum reauirements. Agenda is included here under Community Documents/ Agenda/2025.
IMPORTANT NOTICE ON COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: The CDD has entered into a licensing/franchise agreement with Coastal Environmental, which gives Coastal the exclusive rights to provide trash collection service within the boundaries of the CDD, in the same fashion as other forms of local governments do. This means that any other carrier that attempts to provide and collect trash within the boundaries of the CDD will be sent a cease and desist letter and face actions to keep them from operating within the boundaries of the CDD.
Having only one trash collection entity providing service is beneficial in several areas. First you do not have the potential of trash cans at the curb every week day. That also limits the number of days a week that you have the noise of the collection. Just as important you do not have the added number of trucks leaking hydraulic fluid from their mechanisms which can add to the deterioration of roadways.
In addition to avoid the confusion, the agreement that Coastal requires from residents, states that damage to curbs are the responsibility of the individual residents. That is not the case. To be clear, curbs are under the jurisdiction of the CDD and not the responsibility of individual owners/residents. The reference to driveways being the responsibility of the individual owners/residents remains as stated.
Also attached is an update brochure from Coastal. Everyone is encouraged to use one of the two methods mentioned on the brochure to obtain service.